-Pet Profile Part 3-

November 21, 2022

   For this week’s Pet Profile we have Mrs. Copeland, the librarian, who is better at math than English LOL  she said.


1. What kind of pet(s) do you have?

I currently have 2 dogs. Belle (Asteri)- I always give my dogs a million nicknames. And Rooster.  Rooster we rescued as a puppy, and Belle we received from a breeder at 3 1/2.


2. What breed is your pet(s)?

Both of my furbabies are Airedale Terriers.  Rooster is considered a Redline, which means his coat is coarse and he doesn’t have furnishing (curls) like other Airedales.


3. What are your pet(s) names? And why was your pet named that?

Asteria came with her name, but we call her Steri Belle or Belle most of the time.   Don’t all dogs have middle names? LOL.  Rooster is named after a John Wayne Character, Rooster Cogburn, because John Wayne had Airedales and we are John Wayne fans.


4. Does your pet(s) have any annoying habits?

-Belle sits in the window and barks at cats and squirrels—-ALL THE TIME!

-Rooster has to grab anything and carry it to the back door every time he goes out.  I find all kinds of things in my yard,  the rest of the family doesn’t watch the little sneak like I do.

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Photo of Violet Huggins
Violet Huggins, Business Manager
Hi, my name is Violet Huggins, V hugs for short. I am a senior this year. As well as being on the Newspaper staff, I am also part of the Yearbook staff.

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