I don’t even know where to start when it comes to this school. Between fighting with school administrators about why girls’ sports are just as worthy of lettering as boys, to finding food in the bathroom sinks every week, there is no shortage of things to complain about. There was a point in time where the end of high school was absolutely inconceivable and now I only have less than a month left here.
While I can sit here and complain about how this school has caused me stress and sleep deprivation that will probably take years off of my life, I know that it has also given me friendships that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I’m a firm believer that everyone you meet shapes you into the person you are; whether you love them or hate them, they shape you. However, I think the friends I’ve made through school have had the biggest impact and truly helped me become who I am, and will continue to do so. Although every student in this building will tell you that they hate school and they hate it here, as odd as it sounds, Knoch High School has given them some of the greatest memories in their lives so far: blasting music in our cars in the student parking lot, late night Monopoly games, Guy Fieri themed birthdays, watching a solar eclipse. These are all memories that only exist because of the friends I’ve made through school. So for that, I can do nothing but thank Knoch.
To my amazing friends:
I don’t know if it was the forced proximity of spending every weekday together that made us so close that we felt we just had to keep it going on the weekends, but we never seemed to really get sick of each other. I have been lucky enough to have had the same, very amazing friend group not only through high school but also middle and elementary school, which means we share so many fun and embarrassing memories. We have grown so much together over the years, the younger versions of us would probably be speechless if they knew how the years have gone.
I want to say thank you to all of you for always being there for me. In elementary school for making me feel like the coolest person you knew because I played hockey. In middle school, for always hyping me up for whatever color my hair was that month and whatever Justice leggings I was rocking. And for high school, for sticking with me and laughing with me or sometimes at me *cough* Lara *cough* through all the highs and lows high school brought our way. Each and every one of you has pushed me to be the best version of myself.
To underclassmen:

I know I’m going to sound like every senior ever when I say that you need to enjoy your time here because it really does come to an end so quickly, but it’s true. Before you

know it you’ll be ordering your cap and gown and unable to do homework because you’re riddled with senioritis. Regardless of that, take advantage of being with your friends and seeing them every day. Your forced proximity will be over before you know it and you’ll have to drive 2 hours and 28 minutes to see the one person you want go on a hike with and talk to nonstop (Willow Danehy), or 5 hours and18 minutes to talk to the one person who gets your obsession with that one musical (Paige Wilson), or 1 hour and 32 minutes to the person whose presence is all you need to feel comfortable (Bella Oskin), or 6 hours and 16 minutes to the person you just want to drive around listening to music with (Lara Ejzak), or 2 hours and 46 minutes to the person who has been there for you the longest and was just a 5 minute drive away before (Lily Hawks).

While I dreaded the end of senior year because it meant the end of seeing my favorite people all the time, it also means the start of a lot of new memories. So, while senior year may be daunting for some people, the impending fresh start should be exciting for everyone.
Farewell Knoch, and thank you for everything.