Growing Up, Glowing Up, & Showing Up

The Differences Between Your Senior and Freshman Year

May 1, 2017

Zac his freshman year vs. senior year.


We are all aware of the crazy differences between your freshman and senior year. Not only is there a difference in age, there’s a difference on your outlook of life,  your experiences, and your personality.

I mean the glow up is a plus too (hopefully).

The first example would be your attendance record. Freshman year is the time where your attendance seems to be perfect. There’s no doubt in your mind that you would win an attendance award if there was one. It’s the start of high school; there’s no reason to miss.

Out of the three freshmen that I talked to, they all said that they come to school 5 days a week every week. It seems to be quite the opposite for our fellow seniors.

Senior Kenley Renfrew said, “I usually missed one day a week, until I got a letter sent home that if I miss more school, my parents would go to jail. But, I do come in late at least twice a week.”

“I come to school about 3-5 days each week,” said senior Zac Hassler.

You see, if you’re a senior, you feel pretty lucky if you get to school at least four days a week. If you come five days a week your senior year, you’re a really good citizen.

Another difference between your freshman and senior year is the way we dress.

Kenley her freshman year vs. senior year.

As a freshman, dressing nice is a way to become “known” for a lot of people.

It’s your time to really show who you are since you will be in the high school for the next four years. But, once you get up to your senior year, you stop giving a crap what people think of you. You realize that there’s much more to worry about.

Of course, for some dressing up is a way to express yourself even if it is your senior year, which is awesome too. `

“I don’t dress any different now than I did my freshman year. I’m shooting for best dressed 2017. I never wear the same outfit twice,” said Renfrew.

Senior Brenna Moore said,  “Freshman year, I tried my hardest to look nice everyday because I was under the impression that I had to look nice for people who honestly didn’t care. I slowly

realized that I didn’t need anyone’s approval and I started to wear whatever I wanted. Now that it’s senior year, I wear sweatpants at least three to four times a week (I wouldn’t be caught dead doing that my freshman year). Sometimes I look like I just rolled out of bed, but that’s okay.”

Freshman Caroline Ejzak has a very different outlook on this.

“I really enjoy dressing up and wearing anything that makes me feel confident. I like dressing up or looking stylish because then people notice you and recognize your style. What you wear says a lot about you, and I just want to make a good impression,” said Ejzak.

What time you get up every day ties along with what you wear and how you look. There’s also a huge difference on this your freshman vs. senior year.

Freshman Madison Gumto said, “What time I wake up depends on the day. Typically I get up around 5:40 because my bus comes so early or I have clubs at 7:00 AM.”

Freshman Adam Stobert said, “On most days I get up at 6:20. But, if my dad is running late or forgets to wake me up, I’ll probably just sleep in and go in second period.”

Most seniors drive, so they have the advantage of waking up later.

“Freshman year I had to wake up at 6:00 or 6:15 to be ready for the bus. But, as a senior I get to wake up at 6:45,” said Hassler.

People assume that because a lot of seniors are already accepted to a college, that these seniors don’t need or make the effort to try their senior year. But, after ta

Brenna (left) her freshman year vs Brenna (right) her senior year.

lking to three seniors, that doesn’t seem to be the case for everyone.

“I’m fully committed to IUP. But, this doesn’t change my efforts during the school year. I still want the good grades, I just don’t care to show up,” said Renfrew.

Moore said, “I committed to Slippery Rock back in September. It honestly hasn’t changed my efforts at all because there’s certain standards that my parents set for me and that I set for myself. In my opinion, senior year is incredibly easy.”

During your freshman year, there are many goals that you set for yourself. One of these would be getting accepted to the college of your choice. To do this, you must achieve good grades.

“I am very happy with my grades and the efforts that I put into them,” said Gumto.

We all hope for that glow up by senior year. But, in this century, somehow freshman are


Renfrew said, “I’m very different now compared to my freshman year. There was definitely a glow up! I’m different when it comes to the amount of friends that I have. I don’t put up with people’s crap and pettiness anymore! I have a countdown until graduation on my phone down to the seconds!”

“Physically, no glow up has happened. I’m still waiting on that one. However, my mindset and perspective on life has changed so much. These past few years have made me realize what truly matters in life. NO ONE IS WORTH LOSING SLEEP OVER. Remember to be kind always, and smile a little more often at people because you never know what someone’s going through.”

No matter how hard it is for some of us to admit it, high school does teach us a lot. Whether it’s how to solve a problem in Calculus, or how to have an accurate outlook on life, we all learn.

Ejzak said, “On my first day of highschool I decided my main goal for these next four years is to be remembered in any way. I just want to leave an impression.”












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About the Contributor
Photo of Madalyn Guthrie
Madalyn Guthrie, News Editor
Hello there fellow readers! I'm a teenager who writes for fun with some pretty big dreams. Jesus is my man and he's my #1 fan! I aspire to be a  journalist someday writing in a poverty-stricken country, serving as a missionary as well. Fashion is pretty rad, and so is photography, and adventuring this pretty cool world. I enjoy writing about anything beauty, lifestyle, travel, news, mental health, or whatever is on my mind. Oh and I work at a Mexican restaurant and I love it! So now that you know a little about me, sit back, relax, and check out our newspaper!

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