Is Love in the Air or Just on the TV Screen?
How Hallmark Movies are Creating Expectations of Puppies From Your Imaginary Boyfriend
December 12, 2017
Love is an amazing thing all year round, but being in love during the holidays is a completely different feeling. Something about snow, christmas music, giving gifts, and just the overall happiness that comes along with this season makes people want to be in a relationship.
And of course don’t forget Hallmark movies. Watching people come across their soulmates in the most ideal of circumstances and falling in love with no problems, which all somehow leads to an absolutely perfect relationship really does something to a girl. So are Hallmark movies a standard for love or sadness?
“The mistletoe and everything really sets the stage for Christmas love,” said sophomore Kayla Travis. “It’s so cute, I want the kind of relationship that’s in Hallmark movies, but it’s unrealistic because movies never happen in real life.”
It’s true, the relationships in Hallmark movies will never become a reality, unless you happen to be an extremely lucky person. Although for some reason they’re one of the things we look forward to most around the holidays. Why do they intrigue us so much when it only makes sense for them to make us upset?
“They give me hope and are always so cute,” said junior Mackenzie Moretti. “My favorite is when two people connect after so many years of being apart and realize why they fell in love in the first place! And then they of course fall in love again.”
Another point we all wonder is why Christmas? People have the whole year to fall in love but they always wait until November or December. Why does everyone want to be in love around the holidays?
“Since it’s not summer you just want that person to cuddle and watch Disney movies with,” said junior Frankie Ansell.
“When you go to family dinners and that one aunt you don’t like is like, ‘Kayla are you talking to anyone?’,” said Travis. “And then you have to avoid her the whole night. I’d rather just drag him into my crazy fam and be like this is him stop asking about it.”
Whether it’s for the reason of the cold air making you want to feel warm and loved or the idea of getting your random aunts off your case, love and the holiday season seem to be inseparable. I mean who doesn’t want that perfect relationship where you just cuddle up by the fire and drink hot chocolate?
Unfortunately for all of us girls, the actors in Hollywood that are the stars of Hallmark movies have a lot better luck scoring the perfect Christmas date than teenage girls trapped inside of Knoch High School. But just in case some of you guys out there are looking for a way to score a girlfriend this holiday season, here are some ideas of the perfect date from your primary resources, the girls themselves.
“Drinking hot chocolate, eating Christmas cookies, snuggling up on the couch, watching hallmark movies by the fire, and exchanging gifts,” said Moretti.
“First going ice skating in Pittsburgh and going to a show where you’re in your car and see all the lights,” said Ansell. “After that, going home to lay on the couch all night and binge watch Christmas movies!”
I would definitely say going ice skating in Pittsburgh and watching Christmas movies together are both pretty popular and safe options. Although some girls do like their dates to be elaborate and very detailed…
“In the afternoon, we would go to Pittsburgh together in our nice Christmas attire, not sweatpants and a hoodie,” said Travis. “We’d go shopping and get some hot chocolate while he holds my bags. And then we’d go ice skating and he’d be like ‘I have a surprise.’ Then he’d give me a decent sized box with a nice bow. He’d count to three in Spanish and when I open it there’d be a little baby puppy. Omg he’s so cute! I’d start to cry and fireworks would go off. We’d go to Dunkin to get more hot chocolate and our night would be perfect.”
Although some parts, like gifting a puppy, are a little extreme, these examples will at least give you some place to start. And also please don’t count to three in spanish, that was a joke. Girls just love dreaming about perfect scenarios. Therefore, what’s better than a Hallmark movie… it’s the ultimate dream!
“I think people enjoy watching them and pretending things like that will happen, but deep down we know they won’t,” said Ansell. “I think that’s why we like them, love is awkward. It’s not very perfect.”
You either love these movies or you hate them. If you’re just upset about the fact that a perfect relationship will never come your way, the hate for Hallmark will begin to grow. Although, if you accept that fact and decide to appreciate perfection in the lives of others, and the hope you may have some day, you’ll fall in the love with the movies before falling in love with an actual person. The overall consensus seems to be in support of these movies’ perfection.
“I like them. They’re so cute. I’d rather watch movies with an enjoyable person than someone who complains about how they’ll never be in love,” said Travis.
Who wants to be known as a Debbie Downer? Just go along with the love and admit that somewhere inside, even if it’s deep down, you want it too!
So during Christmas break when you’re bored and have nothing to do, do yourself a favor and turn on the Hallmark Channel. I promise you’ll be hooked for the rest of the day. Even if you don’t happen to be in love this holiday season, join the rest of us that are just sitting on the couch dreaming of the perfect life. It’s actually not too terrible.