I’m broke and the UPS guy knows my name
Online Shopping During Quarantine
May 20, 2020
While a lot of retail locations are closed, the internet is always open.
It’s gotten so easy and convenient to buy things online. I’m sure all of us have done online shopping at least once, but during quarantine, there isn’t much to do, so online shopping is skyrocketing.
Some pros of doing online shopping are:
- you can online shop at any time
- you don’t have to deal with annoying salespeople or annoying crowds
- you don’t have to wait in line to check out
- there no parking hassles.
“Some of the stores I have shopped at are Forever 21, and PacSun,” said freshman Hallee Hassler.
Shopping at online stores can cost you from anywhere from $5 and more, it just depends on which stores you shop at.
“Amazon is great for cheap and useful household items,”, said sophomore Lily Anderson.
Now is a great time to shop because there are a lot of sales.
“I got a swimsuit online from Pacsun for a cheaper price than it usually is,”said Hassler.
In addition to bettersales, many stores have a lot more items online.
“I normally shop online because I don’t really like what I see in the stores,” said Anderson.
Additionally, online shopping can also take up less time. People can be in stores for 2+ hours trying on outfits.
‘This was very good timing to be an online shopper because Amazon had some things cheaper than they usually are, and it didn’t take that long to get here,”said Anderson.
There are, however, some cons to online shopping, including:
- you can’t try on the product(s) before purchasing them,
- restocking and shipping costs are often charged on returns
“One time I was shopping online at American Eagle and they sent the wrong size, but I still got charged on the return,” said Hassler.
Even with the drawbacks, if you want to shop, then you’re going to have to do it online because it doesn’t look like clothing stores will be opening for a while.
“I haven’t liked online shopping for clothes until now,” said Hassler.