Crazy Dreams
Jay Allen Edition
November 19, 2021
For our second crazy dream, we have Jay Allen. Jay is a sporty guy who loves his AP art history class! He is best friend to Jake Santora and a straight A student…sorta.
Name: Jay Allen
Grade: Junior
Craziest Dream? “My craziest dream begins with me and Ava Santora riding bikes down my driveway. And all of a sudden my bike falls apart. The wheels explode and the handlebars disintegrate in my tight grip. Before I know it I’m sitting on my butt in a bicycle position. Avageline laughs and as she continues laughs the sky begins to fill with huge black clouds and Blue slushy starts pouring from the sky all over my newly paved driveway. I’m still so worried about where my bike went and Ava is just so happy to drink the blue slushy falling from the sky. She pulls a straw out of her back pocket and starts drinking out of the puddles. Finally as I look up we hear Jake’s evil laugh, and Mr. Kamer is repeating Egyptian phrases causing the slushy to come down from the sky. As I stare at Mr. Kamer my vision turns to pages and as the pages quickly flip all I can see is a book with the name…Alan Brinkley written boldly on the front.”
Overall Knight heads out of 5:4 knight heads
What was the vibe of this dream: Terror, fear but at the same time interest, excitement
How did it affect your life: Couldn’t be in a room with Jake or drink blue slushy for the weeks following.
Anything else to add about this place? :nope!