Cute Couples- Mackenzie Protos and Marcus Ortiz

April 21, 2022

Name: Mackenzie Protos

Grade: 11

What is your ideal date together? I would say the ideal date is one we do frequently where we make food, watch a movie or tv show, and then goof around for a little talking about whatever comes to our minds.

What is your favorite thing about your significant other? I love how caring he is! Marcus is willing to do anything and everything for me and it genuinely means the world to me! He’s always making sure that I’m feeling okay and when I’m down he always picks me up!

How did you guys meet? We knew each other in middle school but we really got to know each other in AP English this year!

What annoys you most about the other? Sometimes Marcus does things without thinking but I think it’s more adorable than annoying in my opinion!

How long have you been together? A little over six months now!

Do you have anything else to add? Marcus has been the greatest boyfriend ever! I love him so much! These past few months have been amazing and I can’t thank him enough!

Name: Marcus Ortiz

Grade: 11

What is your ideal date together? Going to get food and then playing mini golf or go karts.

What is your favorite thing about your significant other? How she lifts me up when I’m down and always makes me feel better about myself.

How did you guys meet? We have known each other since we were little but we got together because I asked her out to homecoming this year.

What annoys you most about the other? Mackenzie is usually busy so it can sometimes be hard to find time to be together, it’s made up by the time we do find together though.

How long have you been together? 6 1/2 months currently

Do you have anything else to add? We also agree on most topics and share a lot of interests so it’s not hard to start a conversation out of the blue. Mackenzie is mostly perfect in every way and I’m the luckiest person to have met her.

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About the Contributor
Photo of Megan Mitchell
Megan Mitchell, Op-Ed Editor
Hellooooooo everybody. My name is Megan Mitchell, and I'M A SENIOR THIS YEAR. I play tennis, I'm a choir kid, and I love dogs. I also really like to talk. I plan on going to college next fall and majoring in Secondary Education in English. Always remember kids, the wealthiest camel has the biggest hump.

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