Spring Sports Overview

March 30, 2023

The cold months are finally ending, and with it comes the end of winter sports such as wrestling, basketball, bocce, and more. However, this also marks the beginning of spring sports. Students are hitting the courts, track, and in the case of lacrosse, each other! So batter up, and come out to support your spring sport student athletes!

Boys Track

Nick Petrosky
Grade: 12th

What is the expectation for the team at the start of the season?

Break records.

Who is your biggest rival? Why?

Probably Mars because they are local.

Who on the team (player or coach) motivates the team? Why?

Me, because I am him. I’m just playing, I feel like we all motivate each other.

Why should the fans come out to support the team this season?

If you like seeing people run, jump, or throw stuff you might like it. You could also come support your friends.

Seniors: What would you like to say to the underclassman?

I’d like to tell them to continue chasing what they want and not to stress over the little things.

Girls Track

Name:    Erin Corcoran

Grade:    12th                           

What  is the expectation for the team at the start of the season? 

I think we will do good this season! Everyone is putting their best foot forward and are ready to work hard!

Who is your biggest rival? Why? 

I can’t think of any rival that really stands out. In track, you are competing with yourself most of the time.

Who on the team (player or coach) motivates the team? Why? 

Grace Bogaz, Ava Santora, and Allison Smith always cheer me on and make the track season feel so fun!

Why should the fans come out to support the team this season? 

It’s so fun to see everyone compete! You should totally come support!

What would you like to say to the underclassman?

Try everything! Be kind to everyone because you can make some of your bestfriends through track!

Anything else you would like to say about your upcoming season or to your teammates?

Good luck everyone!

Boys Tennis

Name: Toby Reynolds
Grade: 12

What is the expectation for the team at the start of the season?

To have competitive matches and hopefully compete for playoffs.

Who is your biggest rival? Why?

Kiski, as their coach is infamous for being unruly and an unpleasant person.

Who on the team motivates the team? Why?

According to some players on the team, Jake and I are the biggest motivators. Jake is very supportive of the people playing, and I try to keep up the competition.

Why should the fans come out to support the team this season?

Jake looks really cute in his uniform.

What would you like to say to the underclassman?

Keep it up, you guys have gotten really good. Make sure you recruit more kids.

Anything else you would like to say about your upcoming season or to your teammates?

I’m really excited for the season, and I love the group of guys we have this year.

Boys Lacrosse

Violet Huggins

Name: Matthew Carney
Grade: 12th

What is the expectation for the team at the start of the season?

To win and have a great time doing it.

Who is your biggest rival? Why?

Freeport, ever since the fight my sophomore year, they are by far our biggest rival.

Who on the team (player or coach) motivates the team? Why?

The coaches bring a speaker to practice to keep us motivated during practices. Travis Bishop also talks a lot of smack, so he keeps me wanting to do better so I play better than him, and then he can’t talk anymore.

Why should the fans come out to support the team this season?
There are going to be a lot of exciting games.

What would you like to say to the underclassman?
Stick with it and keep having fun.

Girls Lacrosse 

Name:  Sarah Fleishner                                                         

Grade:   11                            

What  is the expectation for the team at the start of the season? 

To work hard while having fun!

Who is your biggest rival? Why? 

Seton Lasalle. We are both very aggressive teams at about the same level. Last game we played against them, we won in overtime. 

Who on the team (player or coach) motivates the team? Why? 

Everyone is always motivating each other. One person who motivates me the most is Coach Mullen. I love that guy.

Why should the fans come out to support the team this season? 

It’s a great sport that is super fun to watch and very fast paced. We work hard to play hard and the games do not disappoint.

What would you like to say to the underclassman? 

To the underclassman, especially the sophomores, watching you guys grow has been crazy. I love playing with all of you guys and your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed.

Anything else you would like to say about your upcoming season or to your teammates?

I’m so excited! I love you all. 


Name: Brady Wozniak
Grade: 11

What is the expectation for the team at the start of the season?
Make the playoffs, make a run after that.

Who is your biggest rival? Why?
North Catholic, it’s always fun to play them, and always a competitive game. We are always battling them for the section.

Who on the team (player or coach) motivates the team? Why?
Coach Bill Stoops, always gets us fired up and ready to play. He’s a really fun coach to play for.

Why should the fans come out to support the team this season?
We are going to be good and we are a fun team to watch. The stadium we play in has a cool atmosphere.

What would you like to say to the seniors/a particular senior?
Purdy and Swagger are great teammates and leaders. We will miss them next year.

Anything else you would like to say about your upcoming season or to your teammates?
Gotta be ready to put the work in, big shoes to fill.


Name: Grace Hensch                                                       

Grade: 10                         

What  is the expectation for the team at the start of the season? 

To win our section and make playoffs.

Who is your biggest rival? Why? 

Probably Highlands just because they are in our section, and it is always a really hard fought game with them.

Who on the team (player or coach) motivates the team? Why? 

Carissa Tekely- She always is cheering for everyone, and she always gives us talks to get our head more in the game.

Why should the fans come out to support the team this season? 

Because it is always fun to watch our games due to how energetic the team is.

 What would you like to say to the seniors/a particular senior?

The seniors this year are all amazing at leading us and very kind people.

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About the Contributor
Photo of Jake Santora
Jake Santora, Video Editor
Hello! My name is Jake Santora, but people tend to call me Jake Bros. You can figure that one out on your own. I play tennis and golf for the school, and am an active member in numerous clubs such as class cabinet, student council, etc. I am so excited for my second year in Newspaper, despite having the class with Emma.

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