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Freshman Finds Strength In Faith

Freshman Finds Strength In Faith


Are you feeling down? If so, freshman Phoebe Barnett is the perfect person to talk to. Her friends and teachers describe her as caring, kind, funny, and smart.

“Even from day one I could tell that she was a bright, young, intelligent woman,” said Mrs. Lemmon, Barnett’s history teacher.

Barnett has admitted to trying her best in school and activities. This is because she has always been a Christian, and she recalls the fact that God tells us to give our first fruits in everything we do.

“Her personality shines more, I think, in Youth and Government than she would have the opportunity to in class,” said Mrs. Lemmon. “Her work ethic definitely transfers from the classroom into all aspects of life.”

“In Youth and Government I have more time to speak about what I’m passionate about,” Barnett agreed.

According to Barnett’s friends and teachers, there are a plethora of jobs that she would excel at.

Mrs. Lemmon can see Barnett going into law.

“I think she would really thrive in that because she’s so good about rooting things in fact and arguing her point,” she states.

According to her friend freshman Jacob Ruediger, he has never really thought about what career he sees Barnett in. Though, they met years ago in their first school.

“I feel as though she has so many options, though, and could be successful in many places,” Ruediger added.

Whenever there is a problem, Barnett can be counted on to pray and stay calm during the entire situation.

Junior Emme Mrozek, Barnett’s friend from theater, said, “Whenever I am upset or having a hard time, she always prays for me and takes care of me.”

Barnett said, “God puts it in my heart every day to pray for others.”

If you think that you would like to get to know Phoebe Barnett, you definitely should. She will always be there to brighten up your day.

According to Ruediger, “she has always been fun and encouraging,” and she helps everyone out a lot.

So, if you see Barnett in class, at Youth and Government, or in the hallway, say hi! She will likely say hi back, and pray for whatever you ask her to.

According to Mrs. Lemmon, “She is who she is and she OWNS IT!”








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Sidney Shenck
Sidney Shenck, Staff Writer
Hi! I'm Sidney Shenck. I am apart of Knochettes, Women's Ensemble, theater, and more! I love to sing, dance, read, write, and act! If you're ever looking, you can find me in the play, musical, and on the field! Now, if you're looking for someone else, you can email me at [email protected] to be apart of Single and Ready to Mingle!