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Former Football Player Finds Acceptance Off The Field

Former Football Player Finds Acceptance Off The Field


Junior Dylan Cunningham can be found slowly wandering the halls in the morning with a small group of friends, some might even say a little too slow, and talking about stories of the past. Dylan has been trying to improve his mental wellbeing so he can get back to doing the things he loves.

“I used to play football awhile back n’ I wanna get back into it,” said Cunningham

Cunningham played corner during his middle school football career, and aspires to go on to play wide receiver as well. He also played his freshman year.

In order for Cunningham to be able to play again, he has to get his grades situated.

“When he decides to improve, he will improve,” said Mrs. West.

Mrs. West is a 10th grade English teacher. Although Cunningham failed her class his sophomore year, he has improved significantly.  For the rest of this school year he plans to solely focus on his class work.

Her favorite moment with Cunningham in class is when he offered to make her an O-Block ring to go to the Chicago Airport with. An O-Block ring is simply a ring with an “o” on it meant to protect you in Chicago.

Cunningham has undoubtedly changed since last year, but not just academically.

Makayla Pethal, a close friend of Cunningham’s, said, “We didn’t really talk much last year but he definitely seems to have gotten his act together.”

Cunningham is motivated to do better for himself and the others around him when he hears or sees people talk about him in a negative light

On the other hand, Eddie Kuhl, another friend of Cunningham’s, agreed that he has changed since last year in more ways than just one, but Kuhl believes that there is more that he could do to prepare himself for life after high school.

“I love Dylan, but he needs to stop acting so gangster n’ stuff. He’s a fake gangster, that’s not how the real world works,” said Kuhl.

Everyone has their own faults, and Cunningham is no exception.

“I love everything about him,” said Pethal, “but one of his faults is probably getting annoyed easily. He could be better in that by being more patient.”

After high school, Cunningham aspires to be an entrepreneur and fend for himself. Mrs. West did not think this was a good idea.

“I don’t think that’s a fantastic idea, I feel like he would get in the way of himself too much,” said Mrs. West.

Cunningham also has a passion for music. His favorite rapper being King Von; he quoted him, “‘I’m not trippin’, I’m tryna’ get millions.”

He even goes as far as to write his own music.

“She waste my time, since you dipped I’ve been on my grind. Imma’ tell y’all pay attention n’ peep the signs, goin to the woods to keep my thoughts in my mind,” said Cunningham. “This girl I was with was playin’ with me, you know? We split and I’ve been working on myself.”

Kuhl can attest to Cunningham’s rocky relationships when he said, “He sucks at dating the right people. They’re never good for him.”

Kuhl also mentioned the people Cunningham dated always seemed to lie and cheat.

Despite Cunningham’s reputation with romantic relationships, his friends mean the world to him.

Mrs. West said “I can see him being a loyal person.”

Cunningham has had the same friends since freshman year. He treats his friends as though they are family.

“He’s a person that makes everything better; He’s always there for me,” said Pethal.

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Izabella Rock
Izabella Rock, Staff Writer
Hello there, I'm Izabella also known as Izzy. I am very talented in many artistic fields, painting being my favorite. I love animals of any kind, except little crusty dogs. Ew.