Cute Couples – Haydn Hughes and Megan Edder

September 27, 2021

Name: Haydn Hughes

Grade: 11

What is your ideal date together? I think the most ideal date, for me at least, is just hanging out and enjoying neat things in nature. Hiking around McConnells Mills and sitting down to have a picnic next to the creek is pretty much as good as it gets.

What is your favorite thing about your significant other? Despite there being a lot of amazing qualities to choose from it’s a pretty easy question to answer. Megan is the kindest person in the world and never hesitates to make sure everyone is included. That’s why I know I’m the luckiest guy out there.

How did you guys meet? We met through the mystical powers of Mrs. Lampus. She sat us next to each other for a whole semester, and then things just fell into place from there. Pretty much if you’re looking for love, take one of Lampus’s classes. It has a one hundred percent success rate.

What annoys you most about the other? Her ungodly fear of spiders, it’s just gone too far.

How long have you been together? I don’t know, ask Megan?

Name: Megan Edder

Grade: 11

What is your ideal date together? My ideal date was our first date. We went hiking at McConnell’s Mills and then saw the fireworks in Saxonburg. It was so romantic!

What is your favorite thing about your significant other? I love how selfless he is. He always puts me before him and it shows me how much he cares about me.

How did you guys meet? We always knew each other, but we started talking in Mrs. Lampus’s 9th grade English class. She sat us together even though we talked all the time. Thanks Mrs. Lampus!

What annoys you most about the other? I never really get annoyed with Haydn, but I guess when he messes with my chair during class in Physics.

How long have you been together? We have been together for 1 year and 3 months.


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