Cute Couples – Kendyl Steighner and Aaron Butler

November 23, 2021

Name: Kendyl Steighner


What is your ideal date together? My ideal date for us is to go on hikes in the woods.  We enjoying going out and doing things together.

What is your favorite thing about your significant other? Aaron’s kind heart and how he sees the best in everyone.

How did you guys meet? We met on the school bus in 7th grade whenever we discovered we were neighbors. We shared a seat together everyday until we got our licenses.

What annoys you most about the other? The fact Aaron doesn’t think Christmas decorations should be put up in November.

How long have you been together? We’ve been together a little over a year.

Do you have anything else to add?  If you see us sharing a locker it’s because Aaron’s actual locker is by the auditorium. I felt bad so I let him put his stuff in my locker.

Name: Aaron Butler


What is your ideal date together? My ideal date is going on a walk with Kendyl and exploring nature.

What is your favorite thing about your significant other? My favorite thing about Kendyl is her bubbly personality, she brightens my day.

How did you guys meet? We met on the bus in 7th grade, we sat together.

What annoys you most about the other? What annoys me most is how much she decorates for everything!

How long have you been together? We have been together for a year and 2 months.

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