Performing Arts Profile: Lindsay Mack
Person being interviewed: Lindsay Mack
What performing arts classes are you in?
“Chamber String Ensemble, Marching Band, and Musical.”
Favorite P.A. memory?
“Getting to go to Kennywood with the Marching Band.”
How many instruments do you play or what is your range in singing?
“I just play the violin.”
What’s the craziest thing you remember from Performing Arts?
“The Senior Night pregame. We had to stand in the pouring rain.”
Favorite band or orchestra moment?
“I really like the concerts.”
How did you get started playing your instruments?
“I started playing the piano, but my teacher talked me into trying the violin.”
Do you participate in any performing arts activities inside or outside of school, if so which ones?
“The Musical-Newsies”
What kind of music do you listen to after school?