Teacher Side Hustles
There are two main points that make up the American dream: freedom and prosperity. Freedom is something that is both given by God and the established state of this nation. Unfortunately, prosperity is something that is not directly given, but rather it is something that has to be worked for. In today’s economy, making those sweet stacks is even more difficult than ever. It seems like more than ever side hustles seem to be the way to make more on top of your regular pay. Many students will be surprised that many of their teachers work other jobs.
Mr. Frishkorn: Math teacher, Real Estate Agent
Known as the jack of all trades, Mr. Frishkorn’s side hustle is real estate. He got interested in real estate because he and his brother used to flip houses as their own hustle. Mr. Frishkorn’s brother was a bricklayer and when business was slow, he and Frish would buy a house that needed flipping.
Once they had bought the house, they would spend most of winter flipping the house when business was slow. In the past, Frish used to work for a family firework business. The business was divided into zones, and he was the zone manager. His main job was to go place to place and deal with any problems that arise.
Mr. Pflugh: History Teacher, Author, Professor
Mr. Pflugh is a popular and favorite teacher amongst many students of all grades. What got him interested in history was his professor from college.
“He taught it in a way that was impressive, and made me more intrigued in studying history,” said Pflugh
All year round, Mr. Pflugh’s main “hustle” is that he teaches history and political courses at BC3. Mr. Pflugh’s other job is that he writes books. Mr. Pflugh wrote three books, two of them are about the Civil War, and the other one is about a Native American that went insane and killed a whole family. He also writes for multiple trade books and magazines and all proceeds go to charity.
Mrs. Lemmon: Ninth grade History Teacher, Restaurant owner
Currently a ninth grade history teacher and a favorite amongst students, also currently the owner of the Field House. Mrs. Lemmon has been working in the restaurant service for a decade now. Before, when she used to substitute, Mrs. Lemmon would spend weekends and nights waiting on tables to help make ends meet.
“I have always said that working at the restaurant service is a great skill you can take with you anywhere. Patience is key,” said Mrs. Lemmon
Mr. Markwell: Wood Shop Teacher, Cabinet Builder
He is the current woodshop teacher, and he definitely has some experience under his belt. Mr. Markwell currently is involved in making cabinets. When he was in high school, he got a knack for building cabinets from his shop teacher. So if you add up the years, Mr. Markwell has been involved in his cabinet hustle for 44 years.
In a nutshell, those are a few out of many side hustles that teachers do. There are many people that can agree on this: everyone should have a side hustle because you can always use that extra cash, and you’ll learn an important lesson of time management.

Sharon Vereb ♦ May 5, 2022 at 10:25
Great article Josh!