A Gesture to Remember for a Night we will Forget!
Prom season is approaching fast! The end of April is ending, and the new month of May is looming over the horizon. Many friends and couples are finishing their promposals and preparing for
either a last hurrah, or just a fun night with their senior friends.
I have compiled a list of Promposals for you: Some were awesome, creative, and EPIC while others were. . . more to be expected.
Our first promposal is from Senior Brendan Tristani and Junior Carly Fraser. Brendan Promposed with a laser engraved sign at Lowes! She’s lucky she has a boyfriend who works so well with wood. Carly rates the originality a 10/10!
“I was very surprised and said yes!”, said Fraser.
She will be wearing a sea glass colored dress, and Brendan will be wearing a black suit and a sea glass tie to match. Brendan was planning the Promposal for two
I asked if he expected a yes, and Brendan said, “No, hoping for a no.”
So, there you have it.
“I am so excited to go to Prom with my bestie Carly!” said Tristani.
This pair will be attending Prom as a couple.
The next well thought out Promposal was for Junior Emma Broman from Senior Dylan Jackson! So how did Dylan ask her? “Gmail,” she said.
While it may not be the most conventional/romantic way to ask, who said it has to be all that?
Dylan told me it took months of hardcore and painstaking planning to prepare to pop the big question! Emma told me her immediate reaction was flabbergasted “SURE!”
She rates the Promposal a resounding 10/10! I can’t help but be happy for them. Emma will be wearing a blue dress along with Dylan’s matching blue suit. Dylan and Emma will be going as a couple! I mean how could you not after such a sweet gesture?
I’m not sure if our next Promposal can top our last one, but it’s up there! Senior Jorden Mackie and Senior Paige Duke will be going to the Prom together this May and plan to tear up the dance floor.
I asked Paigemeister herself how her lovely boyfriend (one of my best friends) asked her to Prom. Now, let me warn you… The setting of the Promposal was a very… spooky place.
“We were stargazing in a graveyard on top of his jeep and he kinda just asked,” said Duke.
It took Jorden maybe a week to ask Paige to Prom. Paige gives the Promposal a 10/10.
“It was very cute, but I would have said yes any way he would have asked!,” said Duke.
“I’m pretty excited for Prom!” said Mackie.
Paige will be wearing a black dress with a corset top.
“It’s pretty swag, It’s sparkly too,” said Duke.
Jorden will be wearing a black turtleneck and black coat with a matching vine chain.
“I don’t like the idea of a basic suit and tie,” said Mackie. “She’s making me learn how to dance in front of a Walmart parking lot.”
They will be going as a couple.
Our next Promposal was made by…Oh! Would you look at that! It’s mine. Since I’m writing this article, I can make mine sound epic and amazing! It sucks to suck. I asked Senior Maria Squyres to
Prom in early April. For my mega-cool guy Promposal, I employed the help of Noor Jasmine to perform a Hamilton Promposal! I made a sheet cake because I knew she loved baking, and then I swagtastically infiltrated her 8th period class.
“Pierce and Noor broke into my AP Euro class. It was April 1st so at first I thought it was a prank on Mr. Pflugh, but then Noor announced like King George that it was a Promposal for me. Pierce waltzed in dressed as Hamilton with a giant cake. It was absolutely amazing!” said Squyres.
The whole plan probably took like two weeks to put together: having to figure out what kind of mix to buy, piping tips that would fit the icing bags, and all that jazz. Now, if you didn’t think that this part of the article was vain enough, I promise this next quote is a real quote from Maria.
When she was asked how she would rate the Promposal, she said “Oh my god a 10. 10/10. It was beautiful! He went through so much effort to make it as special as it was.”
Maria’s dress is currently a secret from me but she was willing to say it’s ice blue and white. I will be wearing a navy suit vest and pants with an ice blue tie.
Maria said “I’m more excited for Prom now than I’ve ever been, and it’s all thanks to Pierce, my family, and my friends who kept the Promposal a secret for so long.”
Last but not least…we have an epic Promposal by Junior Toby Reynolds! Toby went for a themed Promposal as well. He went for a more modern approach to get a yes out of Senior Rosie Mead.
“He made me a Wordle themed poster!”, said Mead.
For those of you who don’t know, Wordle is a new browser game where you have to guess a new random word everyday. His poster is actually really good. When I first saw the picture, I was pretty impressed by how nice the font looked! Personally, I don’t partake in Wordle because I’m very dumb. Ask Jorden Mackie or Noor Jasmine about it. I am a lost cause.
Rosie seemed super excited after this Promposal! “I was so happy cause I’m obsessed with Wordle!”, said Reynolds. “The poster probably took me two hours. The idea came to me the day before!”
Asking anybody to Prom should be nerve racking, but Toby, being the absolute women slayer that he is, wasn’t nervous.
“No. Me and Rosie are good friends so I didn’t think it’d be that big of a deal”, said Reynolds.
Rosie will be wearing a black silky dress, and Toby has stated he will probably wear a tux. The Tobman and Rosievelt will be attending as friends.
That’s all the Promposals I got for you today! Man, what a wild ride that was. We had a good run right? We laughed, we cried, we judged people, I got to talk about myself. It was great! Some were good, some were great, some weren’t, but that’s okay. Prom should be an experience you go to regardless of if you’re going with a date, group, or flying solo. Everybody has a seat at my table!