Cereal Killer

Once again, there’s something that I’m obsessed with: Breakfast. Breakfast is the first, and said to be, the most important meal of the day. Some of you start your day with a granola bar, pancakes, or maybe even an omelet, but we can’t forget a classic: cereal. What a beautiful harmonious combination of cold milk and a sweet crunchy cereal. But what’s this cereal that I’m referring to, you may be asking? Cinnamon Toast Crunch is obviously the answer. From the wonderful dust of cinnamon each piece is gorgeously coated with, to the delicious milk you get to drink when you’re done eating, it’s truly a privilege to have a bowl. Even their commercials are great. . . the lore and the chase between those two crazy squares. Who’s going to devour the other one like a spiced Kirby? I’ve even got my dad hooked on it. The way he prepares a bowl of cereal makes me uncomfortable at best, but that won’t change my opinion.
One of my first memories ever was trying Cinnamon Toast Crunch. At the time, three year old me did not appreciate its delightful flavors. I was so traumatized by it that I refused to eat it until a few months ago, and now I can’t stop. Unfortunately, it’s one of those things that when your dad finds out you like it, he goes out and buys 30 boxes of whatever it may be, so this obsession might be coming to an end soon. But, it’s been fun while it lasted. I think I’ve eaten enough of it to supply a small third world country for a few weeks.