We have a SUPER important category that needs to be ordered today! So, without further adieu, allow the superhero supremacy to begin!
Ryan Reynolds – In the more dire of situations, these heroes are exactly who I would want to see. Not only are thy great superheroes ability wise, but their outfits are also the most super. Ok, maybe the flash is a bit dorky, but I have always wanted super speed to therefore he has to be in the first category because I would obviously belong in the highest tier. *Note: despite what the name of this tier suggests, Deadpool is NOT up here.
Would be a damsel in distress – Deadpool is here! Here we have some supers that I would put myself in some sort of danger for the chance that they might come and save me. Just generally BA and extremely reliable, AND cool. You may notice that sometimes I put coolness over actual superhero traits and skills, but I think that without the suave, nonchalant attitude, you’re really just more of an above par human.
Wouldn’t be disappointed ig. – Like, idk. Looking back I might move Iron Man or Doctor Strange up, but I feel like Iron Man is really only a superhero because of his suit and doesn’t have any REAL superpowers going for him…sorry RDJ stans. I think the rest pretty much make sense though, I might even be a bit concerned if The Hulk came to save me.
Probably uses the big light – Just look at them. All of those people have terribly lit houses and you know it.
SuperherNO – Alright, we got some snoozers here. I mean, who even invited the guy that is just in flames??!??! SHAZAM!?!?!? Let’s be serious here people. I want to take the time to say that I personally love Star Lord and those are some of my favorite movies, but if you look at the stats, he’s honestly a very low-tier superhero. He just has those guns and those awful sideburn like things.
Who even? – Nobodies.