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The Toughest Triple Threat

The Toughest Triple Threat


Did you know that you have 24 ribs? If you did, I bet you didn’t know that sophomore Lily Crowley fits into a very strange 0.5% of people who do not.

Lily recently found out that she has an extra rib! Sadly, this has prevented her from being able to finish her first season of swim.

“For me as a coach, I was sad that she couldn’t finish out her season. I think she would’ve gotten really good, really quickly. I hope she can swim a full season next year,” said swim coach and calculus teacher Mr. Springer.

Both Mr. Springer and Crowley agreed that this setback was upsetting for many reasons.

“I wouldn’t be able to see how much I improved in swim or get to swim with everyone else,” Crowley remarked.

It was especially upsetting considering that Crowley picked up swimming quickly. However, this doesn’t come as a surprise to those who know her.

“She has a natural ability that helps her in both swimming and math,” said Mr. Springer. “She takes in information and uses it easily. It is easy for her to apply coaching tips as well as in class.”

Crowley agreed with this statement.

“Swim was pretty easy to pick up as far as technique, but it takes a lot of stamina. I normally pick up things pretty easily,” she said.

Not only was she a natural swimmer, but she fit in with the group of swimmers quite naturally, as well. She recommends joining the team for many reasons.

“It got me more in shape, and I met a lot of new and fun people. The team is really funny, and I think that swimming is a good skill to have,” Crowley said.

It was frustrating for this three-sport athlete for other reasons, too. Crowley is also on the soccer and track team, so this setback has affected her abilities in her other sports as well.

“I’ve played soccer for around 9-10 years because my parents wanted me to play,” said Crowley. “This is my first year doing swim. I got into it because Aedan Smith wanted me to join. This will be my second year doing track, and I joined because I heard it was fun.”

While being a three-sport athlete isn’t easy, it has its ups and downs. One of the hardest parts of being one is battling injuries.

“I get to be part of three different teams and be active all three seasons. The negatives would be that I get home pretty late. Also, I get tired, sore, and stressed without a break,” said Crowley.

Along with being a three-sport athlete, Crowley is a well-rounded student and friend who is loved by many.

“She’s a very hard worker. She had never swam competitively before, so she had a lot to learn. She started to get much better very quickly because she is so coachable. She picks up things very quickly,” said Mr. Springer.

When Lily isn’t focused on math or her many different sports, she is a funny and kind girl with lots of personality.

Sophomore Delaney Andrews said, “Lily is funny, sweet, and outgoing. The first time I talked to her she made me laugh.”

Her good qualities don’t stop there, though.

“She is creative, individual, and easy-going. She’s always down to do whatever and she won’t tell you no. She also drinks hot water for fun,” said sophomore Hannah Butler.

One of her most uncommon hobbies is drinking hot water in her free time. No matter how strange, Lily is not ashamed.

“I started drinking hot water this winter. I drink it at night and I am unable to stop,” said Crowley.

She boils the water in a kettle, lets it cool off, and then drinks it. Don’t misunderstand, the water is not lukewarm because “that would be gross,” according to Lily.

One thing that Lily definitely doesn’t lack is personality!

“Lily is one of my favorite people and she makes it easier to come to school,” said Butler.


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Savanna Hawk
Savanna Hawk, Staff Writer
Hi! My name is Savanna, although you may know me as Sadie, Sav, Cat, or one of the many nicknames that I have accumulated. I am a junior and I play volleyball, basketball, and track. Not to brag but I have the 15th best girls discus throw in Knoch history... But who cares about that? Not me! I enjoy eating, reading, and music. My favorite food is lasagna and my favorite dessert is a good brownie. If you ever see me, ask me about my favorite books and I'll never stop talking! Now that you know how interesting, lovely, and unique I am, you can go read my articles!!