Right Brain Rockstars
Grace Venatta
Sophomore Grace Venatta is incredibly skilled at dance and is very successful in her sport. Get the inside on the life of a dancer and Venatta’s own personal story here!
Q: How did you get involved in dance and how long have you been dancing?
A: “My mom put me in dance classes when I was 3 years old. This is my 13th year of dance!”
Q: What’s one of your favorite memories or opportunities it has provided you with?
A: “My favorite memories are spending weekends at competitions and partying in our hotel rooms with my best friends!”
Q: What’s your favorite part about dancing?
A: “My favorite part is taking the stage with my team! We work really well together.”
Q: Where have you travelled because of it?
A: “I have travelled all over the Pittsburgh area.”
Q: What’s been your biggest accomplishment or most proud moment?
A: “My biggest accomplishment was winning the special judges award called “Flip a Switch” for the acting and the story I portrayed in my solo. This was something I have been working for for a very long time!”
Q: Is there anything you wish people at school knew about your sport?
A: “It takes way more hard work and dedication than most people think.”
Q: Do you think you’ll continue dancing into college and throughout your life or will you be finished after high school?
A: “I will definitely continue to dance throughout my life.”
Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
A: “Dance is a very special sport because it has the ability to tell stories and touch other people.”