Blogs About Frogs Epistle #1
Frog Species: American Bullfrog (or Lithobates catesbeianus/Rana catesbeiana for you nerds out there)
Location of frog species: Eastern North America
Color: Greenish
Size/Weight: Fat boys (about 1.1lb)
Significant Identifying Features: L A R GE BOYS, males have a yellow throat
Venomous?: Nah chief
Special Ability(if any): Fellas can jump like 10x their size dude
Sweet Frog Song:
About the Contributor

Devon Elmer, Staff Writer
Big Stupid Man. Known for acting in plays, telling bad jokes, and being a bad man. I enjoy some things some times, things like: prog rock, frogs, the sweet embrace of death, and reading the bible. Find me at these certain areas:
Snapchat, Instagram: brankbank
Steam: gary hurts me
Email: [email protected]
Snapchat, Instagram: brankbank
Steam: gary hurts me
Email: [email protected]