Cursed Images: Explaining the Unexplainable
Name: Hailey Gaegan
Grade: Senior
What makes this image cursed?
“It’s just a funny picture Faith and I took. It’s cursed because it is almost unexceptionable to literally anyone.”
Why did you take this picture?
“Simply because it’s funny, Faith and I were just messing around. We have a bunch of pictures just like this. It’s just our thing.”
Can you explain the circumstances in which the picture was taken?
“We were sleep deprived and just messin’ around. So we put a timer on our camera and just started jumping in front of it, and eventually we got the picture. That’s what lack of sleep can do to you kids.”
About the Contributor
Cole Reiser, Feature Editor
Hey! I'm Cole Reiser and i'm a Junior at Knoch High School! My hobbies are binge watching TV shows and excessively judging others life decisions. I am obsessed with clothes and if you bring me to dunkin' i'll love you forever. Also, I have a podcast!! Stream 'Straight into The Closet' on The Knight Times youtube channel! Brb i'm going to watch Game of Thrones season 8 and then forget it happened.