Recreating Celebrity Instagram Posts (only I have a dress code)

Have you ever seen the Buzzfeed or Youtube videos about recreating celeb Instagram photos?  Well, I decided to try it myself.  I’m honestly not sure why I wanted to do this, but it turned out to be so fun and I’m glad I did.  Some of them are pretty good.  Some of them…not so much.

Celebrities could literally be eating a ham sandwich in their car and yet still it’s Instagram-perfect.  I figured, how hard can it be to go a little crazy and pretend to be someone I’m not?  Thanks to the power of social media (and Photoshop), it actually was pretty easy.

At first it was difficult to pick photos just because our small-town Saxonburg, PA doesn’t look the same as say, LA.  Also, I don’t own any luxury items–I’m a dirt poor teenager that has absolutely no style (unless you count cross country t-shirts and ponytails as a look), so I dug in my sister and mom’s closet to try and replicate outfits.

This first photo was a spontaneous decision.  It was late at night, so I quickly put some eyeliner on, wrapped a t-shirt around my head, grabbed some of my mom’s jewelry and my cross country trophy that was sitting on the mantle, and snuck outside before my  parents could question my life decisions.

Lady Gaga
















Kim K

My teammates helped me with this one at the hotel in Hershey.  Yes, we should have been mentally preparing for States and yes, I stole those white socks from Aaron Plyler and yes, my coach was concerned as to why I was walking around the hotel dressed like a cotton ball, but sometimes it really do be like that.















Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston made her Instagram debut this year.  This was our attempt at recreating it.














Kylie Jenner

RiSe aNd ShInE














Emma Chamberlain

Thank you to Pennie’s Bakery for making this photo possible–your coffee is magnificent and your aesthetic is perfect.  Also, Jadyn Brown–you are a real one–thanks for taking this epic photo on your super high tech Iphone that I don’t know how to use.  Also yes that is a sock tied to my jeans it was a last minute grab as I ran out the door.















Hailey & Justin Bieber

Ben makes this face all the time so I just really wanted to recreate this photo.  He, on the other hand, did not.  Thanks for suffering while I tried to get the perfect angle <3














Cami Mendes

This photo was a hassle to say the least.  My sister stayed home from school with a fever and I, also not feeling well, immediately napped when I got home.  Well, you know what happens when you nap after school–you’re not going to bed at a normal time.  So it’s like, 12:00 at night and Tippy and I are wide awake.  I got ready, Tippy set up the hallway, and we forced Ryan to hold the portrait up.  While we were doing this photo, we were making so much of a ruckus that my mom came out of her room and yelled at us to be quiet.  Also I had to pay my brother $10 to hold up that portrait.















Hailee Steinfeld

I sat in my mom’s car for 10 minutes taking cringey selfies.  I tried, okay?  Like what even is this face I am so sorry












Bought these sunglasses from Target just for this photo.  But you have to admit, Sofia (youngest in the fam; she’s 10) looks pretty fire as Beyoncé.














p.s. Shoutout to Kayla Carney for struggle-bussing Photoshop with me !!! Love you !!