Weird things in your room
Jazz King or Queen we don’t discriminate, Ira Mercer. Having drip might not be the style for a jazzman but behind closed doors, Ira has some serious ice.
Q: What is the weirdest thing in your room?
A: “A goddy, Super Bowl like ring that reads out “IRA”
Q: What is it?
A: “A ring that my great grandfather named Ira used to wear.”
Q: What does it mean to you?
A: “Not much being that it is way too big for my fingers.”
Q: Where did you get it?
A: “It was gifted to me by my aunt.”
About the Contributor
Faith Mayhugh, staff writer
Hi, I'm Faith. I'm a Sophomore. and I like to go to concerts but nobody is ever willing wants to go with me because they don't like punk music. Moshing is better by yourself anyways. You're just jealous that you don't collect cool guitar picks from shows. And, this is a picture of me with my favorite band (Stand Atlantic). I met them like 1000x before this cuz I’m cool and you’re not.