Social Media Accounts Throught Highschool
These days, most people have at least one social media account that remains active online.
A lot of people have more than one account and accounts from a long time ago that they can no longer get into. There are over 1 billion social media users.
Most teenagers at least have an Instagram and Snapchat
There are also some people who don’t have any social media accounts at all. was an app created in April 2014 where you would lip-sync songs.
Then, on August 2, 2018, it turned into TikTok where you can do more than just lip-sync songs.
TikTok is now more used for comedy purposes.
A lot of people’s 1st social media account have a weird username.
With Snapchat, you can’t change your username.
So that username you made when you were 12, is going to be your username forever unless you delete your account and make a new one.
Snapchat is probably the first account a lot of people had their first social media account on.
Some people have deleted their old accounts and just made a new one, others are using the same account they’ve been using for 5 years, and some people got hacked and had to make a new account while their old account still exists.
Sophomore Hannah Rager created an Instagram account on March 8, 2013, with the username ihannahloveyou.
“I made this username when I was 9, so I want to just forget about it”, said Rager.
Rager had 70 posts on this account with 23 followers and usually posted about clothes, and minions.
She now has a new social media account on Instagram with 967 followers.
Snapchat is another social media account where people have weird usernames.
Twitter is another big social media website, but with Twitter, there’s not as many strange usernames as there are for Snapchat and Instagram.
I’m sure everyone in the school knows who the freshman TikTokers are.
If you don’t, they are the girls that sit in the back of the class doing TikToks, and they do “the renegade” dance in the hallway.
The freshman TikTokers think they will go viral, but most likely they never will.
Between TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter there are a lot of
different things to do with these social media websites.
Whether it’s lip-syncing a song, posting about your day, tweeting something, or getting on the for you page social media has taken over.