Horrible Movies
I love criticizing things. I hate things that are done badly. I love watching bad movies….for the sake of beating them into the ground with my overly critical verbal abuse.
So what can make a movie ‘bad’?
Bad writing and bad production are big factors. Though exceptions can be made for the sake of artistic expression, bad writing is, well, bad writing.
A lack of or confusing plot can result in a deprivation of structure. Bad plot results in the audience being bored out of their mind or confused to the point of inattention. Characters move the plot forward and are therefore essential. Badly written characters tend to have no defining traits, overdone tropes done in a boring fashion, little to no character development where it would be expected, and/or act in an unrealistic fashion.
Then there is production.
Camera quality is not necessarily a big issue. As long as the picture is visible and in focus, the movie can be great. Good writing and production shine through no matter your materials. However, bad lighting to the point of illegibility can be distracting and confusing for the audience. Cinematography being inept at competently telling the story or repetitive horizon lines in each shot hinders the movie’s ability to convey emotions.
The production aspect also ties into drawn animations and computer-generated images (CGI). If you’re making an animated movie, you need to know how to sync the characters’ mouths with the audio. Out of sync audio/visual makes the dialogue unwatchable.
There is a difference between average movies that just make the marker for the expectations of what a movie ‘should’ be and bad movies. If a movie is bad, it is below the bare minimum of what a movie ‘should’ be.
Those are the kind of movies that I am here to watch and review. In each review, I will give a realistic rating out of 10, and then an ironic rating out of 10. The realistic rating will tell you my opinion of the actual quality of the movie, and the ironic rating will tell you how much I, a masochistic individual that love-hates bad movies, enjoyed the experience of watching it.
My blog will probably most resemble a commentary YouTuber’s videos on bad movies, though I will try to stray away from repeating any of the sensational bad movies already commonly discussed online. I’ll give you a summary of each movie, issues I had with it, things I found enjoyable about it, and my ratings. I hope that you find the standards I hold to movies interesting to read about and that you get a good laugh from how ridiculous some of these are.