Athlete of the Week
Name: Cale Patten
Grade: 11
What sport(s) do you play? Ice Hockey
Position: Goalie
How long have you been playing this sport? I have been playing for 11 years.
What inspired you to start playing? I don’t really know. My parents got me into it through showing me games.
What’s your favorite part about this sport? It is a physically challenging and competitive sport.
About the Contributor

Samantha Moody, Sports Editor
Hi! My name is Samantha, many call me Sam, Sambam, and the nickname list goes on. I am a senior this year. As of being a part of the newspaper, I am also a part of Spanish club, KDA, NHS, history club and photography club. Outside of school, I'm usually either working, napping, wasting my whole day scrolling through social media, or even blowing all my money on clothes and shoes I don't need. Some of my interests are sports, music (especially Lord Huron), and iced coffees.