Knoch’s Working Class
Name: Julianna Crites
Grade: 11
Where do you work? I work at The Clubhouse.
How long have you been working there? I’ve been working there for a little over a year now.
What do you do there? I am a food runner and a hostess.
How long usually are your shifts? My shifts are normally between 4-6 hours.
How many days out of the week do you normally work? I usually work two days out of the week, but we are closed two days out of the seven.
How much do you get paid (per hour)? As a food runner, I make $2.83 per hour plus tips. And when I host I make minimum wage which is $7.25.
Do you have any friends that work there with you? I work with one of my best friends, Samantha Moody. And I’ve made many friends while working there.
What is your favorite part about working there? My coworkers and how well everyone gets along there. We are like a family and crack jokes our whole shift.
What is your least favorite part? Working long hours after school definitely. I feel like my day is nonstop and I’m definitely worn out by the end of it.
Would you recommend other students to work there? Yes, it’s a good job to have, it’s rather easy and pays well with tips. I feel it builds a strong work ethic and gives you some social skills with having to deal with customers and all that.