Votec Peep of the Week – Jamin Chalkley
Jamin Chalkley
-2nd year at vo-tech-
1.) What course are you taking?
Computer Networking and Security
2.) Why did you take that course?
“I like working with computers, so I took it to learn more about them, network them, and secure them.”
3.) Are you thinking about switching to another course?
“I am not! Because I really enjoy the course that I am in.”
4.) What do you have planned after Tec?
“After Vo-tech, I hope to get into a job that is ‘somewhat’ computer related.”
5.) What makes them stand out from all the other Peeps?
“I’m a hard worker who always tries his best!”
6.) Is there anything else you would like to add?
“More people need to join our class because we learn a lot and have fun while doing it. We’re all like a big family.”
About the Contributor

Jorden Mackie, Photo Editor
What’s up! My name is Jorden Mackie I’m a senior this year and now apart of the newspaper staff! I really enjoy designing, pretty much anything and everything and it makes sense I would be in the yearbook staff as well right? Other than school stuff, I like play a lot of volleyball for my own, home made team as our setter and left wing. But I spend most of my time working as a busser and banquet server for the Butler Country Club!