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Fall Sports Preview

Fall Sports Preview

With the weather getting somewhat cooler and school starting up again, it is finally time for Fall. After working hard all summer, sports have come back too. With all of the Fall sports’ seasons now underway, let’s see how they are doing so far.



photo credit: Sarah Conley

Sam Skurka

Grade: 12   

  • What are your expectations for this season?

To win a lot of games.

  • Who are your biggest rivals and/or biggest games?

Our biggest rival is Mars.

  • What changed between last year’s season and this year’s season?

We lost a lot of our seniors last year and had to make up for it.

  • What are your thoughts on the freshmen?

They are pretty cool but they are quiet.



photo credit: Kristen Gallagher

Carissa Tekely

Grade: 12

  • What are your expectations for this season?

Be top 3 in our section/have fun.

  • Who are your biggest rivals and/or biggest games?

Our biggest rivals are Mars, Hampton, and Freeport.

  • What changed between last year’s season and this year’s season?

We lost strong seniors. Our varsity contains 9 seniors.

  • What are your thoughts on the freshmen?

I love them. They bring a competitive energy to the team.


Girls Soccer

2024-25 Yearbook Staff

Grace Hensch

Grade: 12

  • What are your expectations for this season?

Make playoffs and try to win sections.

  • Who are your biggest rivals and/or biggest games?

Deer Lakes and Freeport, Freeport and Burrell are the biggest games we play this year.

  • What changed between last year’s season and this year’s season?

We have new coaches and the team tradition is much different.

  • What are your thoughts on the freshmen?

They are learning how to play high school soccer super quickly and they are all super nice.




Girls Tennis

photo credit: Angelo Natili and Wyatt Foster

Chloe Winters

Grade: 11

  • What are your expectations for this season?

I expect us to make it very far into the season with lots of wins and maybe section champs.

  • Who are your biggest rivals and/or biggest games?

Butler is our biggest rival.

  • What changed between last year’s season and this year’s season?

The amount of people decreased.

  • What are your thoughts on the freshmen?

Very fun to yap with and are very supportive of each other.

  • Is there anything else you would like to add?

Coach Chappel helps us to be our best selves. She takes our strengths and uses them to improve our weaknesses  


Cross Country Girls

photo credit: 2024-25 Yearbook Staff

Allison Smith

Grade: 12

  • What are your expectations for this season?

Improve my 5k time.

  • Who are your biggest rivals and/or biggest games?

Our biggest rivals are Hampton and Freeport. Both have talented runners and both meets will definitely be close

  • What changed between last year’s season and this year’s season?

We have a much bigger boys team than last year, but our girls team got smaller. RIP Ava Santora

  • What are your thoughts on the freshmen?

Freshman on the team are chill + hardworking



Cross Country Boys

photo credit: SwanPhotographic

Liam Smith

Grade: 10

  • What are your expectations for this season?

To get better times.

  • Who are your biggest rivals and/or biggest games?

I tend to not have rivals, but do my best. We race against Hampton which I would say is a big race.

  • What changed between last year’s season and this year’s season?

There is more energy around with more people

  • What are your thoughts on the freshmen

They are very chill and hardworking.


Boys Soccer

photo credit: 2024-25 Yearbook Staff

Will Parisi

Grade: 12

  • What are your expectations for this season?

My expectations for this season is for our team to make the playoffs and to win the first round.

  • Who are your biggest rivals and/or biggest games?

Our biggest rival this year is Mars. They are our rival because every single game against them is always close and it brings it a different level of competitiveness. Our biggest games of the season are Mars, Hampton, and Butler.

  • What changed between last year’s season and this year’s season?

This year is a much more difficult year moving up to 3a. Last year our section wasn’t the greatest and this year every team is good which gives us tough competition every game.

  • What are your thoughts on the freshmen?

Our freshman this year are putting in tons of hard work and are helping out the team in lots of different ways such as filli

ng up waters and getting balls for us.

  • Is there anything else you would like to add?

We are a very well experienced team and I believe that we will go far this year and will be able to become bonded in a very special way.



photo credit: Zack Weiland

Evan Moody

Grade: 12

  • What are your expectations for this season?

Didn’t really have any.

  • Who are your biggest rivals and/ or biggest games?

Freeport is our biggest rival and game because they are our senior night

  • What changed between last year’s season and this year’s season?

We lost a lot of seniors and we moved up to the AAA division

  • What are your thoughts on the freshmen?

Tavion is really nice and he is funny (There was only one).





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About the Contributor
Zack Weiland
Zack Weiland, Staff Writer
Hello, I'm Zack and I am the only dude on the newspaper this year. I am a sophomore at Knoch and I play hockey and lacrosse for the school. My favorite subject is History and I enjoy watching Star Wars and Sit-Coms. I hate school and want my sophomore year to end ASAP.