Abnormal Albums #iunno even know at this point

Welcome back to Abnormal Albums, where I can’t think of another type of opener. Today we’ll be discussing the album Madvillainy. Madvillainy was released in 2004, and is the debut album for the hip hop duo “Madvillain,” which consists of artists MF Doom and Madlib. The album was received with critical acclaim, and has been cited as an influence to several different artists, including: Danny Brown, Thom Yorke, Earl Sweatshirt, and Tyler, The Creator.
Weirdness: The lyrics and rhymes are different, to say the least. Some things feel like they shouldn’t work, but they do, and it sounds absolutely baller, dude.
Accessibility: Pretty accessible, not gonna lie. If you are a fan of hip hop in general, then you should be able to jam to this with relative ease.
Flow: Being a concept album, Madvillainy has an impeccable flow, each song leading to the next one with ease. At points, it does feel like a song’s gone on for a long time, when in reality, the last 3 songs were just flowing like a waterfall.
Feeling: You’ll feel like America’s most blunted, that’s for sure.
Length: Above average size for an album, I’d say. It clocks in at around 46 minutes.
Final Verdict: Pretty damn good, currently one of my favorite albums to throw on and chill with.
Rating: 9 Doritos, Cheetos, and Frito’s / 10
Favorite Songs: Accordion, Meat Grinder, America’s Most Blunted, Money Folder, Figaro, Strange Ways, Rhinestone Cowboy

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