We all went Cyber


Andrew Brandt, Staff Writer

You probably heard it while in school at some point. “I want to do cyber school.” Well, all you got that wish when Pennsylvania schools closed for the rest of the year. For some, that was the last time we would ever go to our classes, and we didn’t even know it. For me, I never thought we would close so soon. I don’t even think the teachers thought we would close for the rest of the year. But here we are like it or not. We have to get through this cyber school mystery.

For Newspaper, we were asked to do a “Just in case journal” which made us ask the student body about how they felt and how each of us was reacting to this new normal.

My responses to Ms. T’s questions:

What is the one thing I will miss the most from school?
I miss seeing all of my friends and teachers every day. I miss the little things like the bell changes and seeing everyone go about their days. I miss how this is my last three months of high school and I’ll never get to have a senior banquet or maybe not even have a prom. Lastly, I miss the teachers; I had some amazing teachers this year and I was glad to spend time with these amazing educators and that time has been taken away from me.

What are you observing other people doing?
I see people doing stupid things such as going to parties and hanging out. This is the reason we are still quarantined. People haven’t been listening to the CDC- people don’t wear masks and go about like nothing is wrong. Then you have the opposite: you have people who are hiding in bunkers, buying toilet paper in bulk and stocking up on hand sanitizer. I believe that this pandemic brings out who people really are.

What are you wearing every day and why?
I have been wearing similar clothes I wear to what I wear at school which are jeans and a hoodie or even some days my work uniform. These to me are easy to wear and I also don’t look homeless. But I have been working almost every day. This is why I wear my work clothes.

What are you learning about what’s happening around the globe?
I watched the news before this pandemic and since then I have watched a bunch. I’ll start with the source of this disease which is China. I think it is a known fact that China is a horrible country that treats its civilians horribly. Unfortunately, this isn’t just civilians, they treat the animals badly as well. Before the World Health Organization said that dogs couldn’t get the virus, China shot over 100 straw dogs in the street and then lied about it to other countries. Also, experts say that if China acted 1-week earlier then the number of people infected worldwide would have dropped 95%. Why didn’t they react to it a week earlier,? According to a report done at a lab in Wuhan that was censored by the Chinese government, the government thought it to be not bad and decided not to ask for help. Which led the outbreak to get to this level. Also, it is reported that China has lied about the total cases. Thermal satellite images show that China is burning large amounts of biomass, which is equal to 10,000 bodies. China has yet to respond.

Q and A
What is something you missed while away from school?
Student Name: Nathan Glassic
Grade: 10
The friendships and social interaction.

Student Name: Abigail Palya
Grade: 12
I’ve missed track a lot since our season got canceled, and having the freedom to see my friends every day.

Student Name: Natalie Goldscheitter
Grade: 9
I definitely miss seeing people other than my family. Especially teachers that I know I probably won’t have again. Also, having a defined daily routine is something I definitely miss.

How have you been spending your days?
Student Name: Nathan Glassic
Grade: 10
Sleeping in, doing homework when necessary, watching a lot of tv, sometimes going on walks.
Student Name: Abigail Palya
Grade: 12
Baking, painting, playing video games, or talking to friends online.

Student Name: Natalie Goldscheitter
Grade: 9
Mostly online shopping. I finish up school work pretty fast then just hang out with family. Lots and lots of Tik Tok.

How much work have you done on your “at home” lessons?
Student Name: Nathan Glassic
Grade: 10
Not a whole lot. I should probably get on that actually.

Student Name: Abigail Palya
Grade: 12
Not much honestly, but it’s super challenging to actually learn anything. It’s exactly like cyber school was.

Student Name: Natalie Goldscheitter
Grade: 9
I procrastinate a lot tbh so not a ton.

How have you been keeping yourself healthy during this time?
Student Name: Nathan Glassic.
Grade: 10
Staying six feet away and washing hands.

Student Name: Abigail Palya
Grade: 12
I’ve gone on a few walks and bike rides, but other than that I can’t say I’ve done too much else.

Student Name: Natalie Goldscheitter
Grade: 9
I’ve always worked out on my own but the gym class workouts help too. I also like going outside.

Do you feel as if you are learning online?
Student Name: Nathan Glassic
Grade: 10
A little, however, it’s hard to focus and I learn a lot better with hands-on material.

Student Name: Natalie Goldscheitter
Grade: 9
To be honest not really especially with classes like math and science.

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