King Kobe
An Ulrich Documentary
The man, the myth the legend- Kobe Ulrich; you know him and you love him. The senior is known around the school as a kind and charismatic jokester, referring to everybody as a “big guy” or “little guy”.
Kobe has many supporters who have lots of positive things to say about him.
Ulrich’s video teacher, Mr. Smith, thinks his best qualities are, “his way with words and his amazing people skills.”
Senior best friend Tristan Tristan Fundark said, “He’s really funny and can get along with everybody.”
Mr. Smith did not always have this positive impression of Ulrich in middle school. “I first thought, It’s gonna be a long year,” he said. “That was middle school Kobe. He always wanted to arm wrestle me…I think he’s still scared.”
Kobe is always at 110%. He is always challenging students and poor unsuspecting freshman to random challenges at any chance he gets. Kobe is very adamant that he is a top dog.
Well…we came up with a challenge to see how big Kobe really is. In an all-out push up contest! The rules were: how many push-ups can he do in one sitting. No time limit, no rush, just a go till you drop mission.
There were many faculty and students who were fighting to throw in bids on how many push-ups the young star could do before he either couldn’t do any more or passed out of sheer absolute strength exhaustion?.
Mr. Smith said, “Hmmm, I bet he could do 27.”
However, Fundark was a little more optimistic.
“Um, probably a good 100,” he said.
Ulrich sort of agreed.
“It’s probably 100, but I’m not gonna try for it. So maybe 60 so round up to 79,” he said.
Once the contest was upon us, it was time to que whooping and cheering between Ulrich and Mr. Durand. It was showtime!
Ulrich was in the ready position, surrounded by his supporters. Then, he was off! He started repping out push-up after push-up while fans shouted in support!
Fundark was kneeling beside him, shouting for him to keep going. After one last push, Kobe stood up.
His total? 43 perfect push-ups!
Ulrich said, “I could’ve gotten 50+ and waited for my lungs to explode, but I don’t have time for that.”
Though Fundrak’s predeciton of 100 fell short, he was still proud of his friend and optimistic about Ulrich’s furute.
“He’s definitely going to be benching 415, gonna be 200 pounds, and going to be in college for welding,”said Fundark. He did add that. “ He’s very needy. I can’t wait for him to see this interview.”
Ulrich’s tip for people trying to get into fitness is “Go for more reps and less weight. And keep grinding!”