Freshman Survival Guide
During our time in high school, we see many people from all walks of life come and go. Every year, as one class moves on, we see new faces arrive: some are as cocky and confident as all can be, whilst others are nervous and scared.
High School is a pivotal time in your life, probably some of the best years, depending on who you ask. Each year we see two kinds of freshmen: those who are nervous about the new environment and might even be a little insecure due to the changes and then we see those who are confident and brave and determined to get through the year.
“I was terrified, mostly because of not knowing teachers and being around new people,” said senior Cory Voltz about his 9th grade year.
Freshman sometimes worry because of their fears of receiving even more assignments or homework.
“Take it one day at a time and don’t stress about it,” Voltz said.
Also, new students should be careful to make a name for themselves in a positive way.
“Be patient and be nice to people. Don’t be an idiot,” said senior Matthew Imhoff.
Asa senior myself, I’ve come up with a few principles to live by. Take it or leave it freshies, but these pieces of advice could help make or break your high school experience.
NUMBER 1: The first important principle to keep in mind is first impressions. Obviously, if one was having dinner with a famous celebrity or athlete, they would be dressed in their Sunday best and on their best behavior. Think about freshman year the same way. The impression you make your first year will carry on when meeting new people, both teachers and friends. It’s easier to start off on right than to try and dig yourself out of a hole later.
NUMBER 2: The next important principle to keep in mind when entering high school is treat others the way you want to be treated. One of the worst things you could do this year is bullying and acting out in negative ways. As you get older, you start to realize how important this is. What you want to do is be respectful and nice to those around you. Many things, including friend groups, can change over high school and people remember how you treated them and others.
Number 3: Lastly what students need to do is be themselves. This fact is very important because it shows a person’s true colors. Of course, being yourself can be a hard thing to do and sometimes it’s hard when you don’t fit in with a crowd. Don’t worry about that, sometimes fitting in is not always a good thing. You want to be around people who truly know you and care about you for exactly who you are. If you fake being someone or something else, it always catches up with you.
So with that, have a good year.