Mac’s Madlibs

Mackenzie Mead, Business Manager

Today, I’m going to the zoo. I hate the zoo. It’s so (adjective). Honestly, who wants to pay (number) dollars to watch boring animals (activity) in a cage? I don’t- that’s for sure. But, of course, I’m stuck here at this (adjective) zoo. Worst of all, I’m here with (someone in the room), who I can’t stand. But, it’s (same person)’s birthday party, and I’m the only person they invited. Apparently we’re (adjective) friends or something like that. What can I do though? Nothing… Unless I get thrown out of the zoo! All I have to do is (verb) an animal, and they’ll have to kick me out! So, I (verb) over to the (animal) cage, jump in, and grab one. As I’m running towards the (noun), I hit a (noun), and the cops catch me. But hey, at least I’m free!