Podcast Review #1: Serial

Sammy Jo Barnes

More stories from Sammy Jo Barnes

Hi, hola, こんにちは, welcome to my blog.

So I kinda sort of have an obsession with podcasts.

TNS via Getty Images
A collage of photographs of Hai Min Lee and her friends were on display at Lee’s memorial service on March 11, 1999 in Baltimore, Md. (Elizabeth Malby/Baltimore Sun/TNS via Getty Images)

Before you all freak out and say “liKiNg tRuE cRiMe Is nOT a pErSoNaLiTy TrAiT” I know lol I’m sorry that I have a popular hobby that I enjoy sharing, at least I don’t own a hydro flask like the rest of you basics.  Speaking of basic, I’m going to review the first podcast I have ever listened to (and probably the most famous one ever).

Background: It all started with season one of Serial, aka the gateway drug of podcasts.  Ms T encouraged me to listen to it and I was immediately hooked. Serial is an investigative podcast about the murder of Hae Min Lee in 1999, a high school senior.  Her ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, was charged with her death and was sentenced to life in prison. Sarah Koenig, the journalist, explores the case piece by piece and realizes there is a lot more to uncover.  

Review: Sarah Koenig does a fantastic job with this one.  The amount of work put into the podcast is evident from the police interrogations, the many hours talking to witnesses and people involved in the trial, and documents from the case.  She stays unbiased for the majority of the time and encourages the listeners to come up with their own opinions about what really happened to Hae Min Lee. The story is engaging–I would sit in my bed and binge, entranced by it all.  I really liked how you got to listen to Adnan himself, and it’s obvious the relationship between caller and inmate is close by the end of the season–she didn’t miss a thing. I obviously don’t want to spoil anything, but you HAVE to listen to this before diving into any other true crime pods.  You can listen to Serial on serialpodcast.org, Apple Podcasts, and others! (it’s super easy to listen to podcasts and it costs nothing)


Currently listening to: Crime Junkie on Spotify