Dear Luke, What Did You Do That Was So Bad Santa Left You Haunted Coal?

Dear Luke, What Did You Do That Was So Bad Santa Left You Haunted Coal?

Grace Phillips, Staff Writer

What’s The Strangest Thing In Your Room?
“I have this big chunk of coal that I think is cursed because dogs bark at it.”

Item #1: cursed coal. Owner: senior Luke Wood. I rank this item 7/10 on the Phillips Weirdo-Meter.

Do you have any collections?
I used to collect money from around the world, but I don’t do that anymore. Also I have a cursed objects collection.

Cursed objects you say? How do you identify things as cursed?
I collect weird things that give me weird vibes.

Are you sentimental?
Yeah, I still have old clothes that don’t fit me anymore.

Do you still have anything in your room from your early childhood?
I have a stuffed animal from when I little inside a pillow case that I used to carry around as a blanket.

Do your parents or siblings have issues with the weird things in your room?
My family thinks my cursed objects collection is weird.

Thanks Luke Wood! Better luck next Christmas.