Who Wore it Better, Lauren or Chloe?

Emily DiPasquale, Photo Editor

It’s winter now, which means it’s getting cold and different fashion essentials come in. For example, SCARVES!!! So, this week that’s what I’m focusing on. The thing is about scarves, you can wear them in so many different ways. They can be blankets, a fashion statement, or a head wrap. Its beautiful.

Lauren Dellarosa- junior

How did you get into the fashion world?

 I’ve always liked clothes and fashion since the womb.

Where did you get your inspiration from for this outfit?

 Pinterest and my sick closet.

Why do you think you wore it better?

 I did because I have gotten compliments on this outfit and its very comfy.

Anything you’d like your rival to know?

Wanna fight? Just kidding you’re a chill dog.



Sara Vodenichar- sophomore

“The dog because dogs are cute.”


Wayne Sell- sophomore

“The dog because dogs are pretty awesome.”


Morgan Tupper -sophomore

“It’s a tie. They’re both pretty cool and pull it off well.”


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