Mr. Tristani’s Stories


Carly Fraser, Staff Writer

Have you ever walked past Mr. John Tristani and he starts telling you a story? Well, if you missed school, you might have missed his big story for the week. Here is where you can find some of his stories!

For our first story, Mr. Tristani tells us about his favorite childhood trick or treating story with his dog.

Mr. Tristani didn’t grow up in a compact neighborhood.  The houses were acres apart, so he had to walk far to get a couple pieces of candy.

He dressed as a caveman, and he wore a big mask so no one could see who he was. 

Tristani said, “I went to open the door when I got home, and my dog didn’t recognize me, and he was afraid of my mask.”

His dog ran away from him as soon as he saw him. The dog was so scared it peed all over the floor! For those of you who don’t know what Mr. Tristani’s current dog looks like, he has a large german shepherd. 

Mr. Tristani found this quite comical, because such a big dog was so scared of his Halloween mask.