Mr. Tristani’s Stories
For this week’s story, Mr. Tristani’s son, also known as my boyfriend, Brendan Tristani, recently bought a new truck! He has been saving up his Oberg bucks to buy a nice truck for himself. He decided to buy a jeep truck. The Baglier in Butler had the perfect jeep within his price range! Mr. Tristani went with him on February 11th to buy it.
“We spent half of the day at the dealership just for them to tell us it didn’t have a title yet, and we had to go home without the truck,” said Tristani.
They spent the next three weeks to get the title, and get a loan from the bank. Finally, on March 1st, Brendan was able to bring his truck home! Mr. Tristani is so proud of Brendan for buying his first official car! If Mr. Tristani has not already shown you pictures of the truck, I inserted one into this article!