Todd The Cod God
After 21 years of dedicated service to the Knoch High School, Mr.Trofimuk is stepping down as the principal. Mr.Trofimuk announced the news last week in an emergency board meeting.
“I love the kids and the staff, but I felt like it just wasn’t my calling anymore,” said Trofimuk. “ I just had to go with my gut, and my gut was telling me that I had to follow my dreams.”
Many people may not know this, but Mr.Trofimuk’s first career choice was not to become a principal. His first choice was actually to become a world renowned Alaskan ice fisher. He’s planning on moving to Fairbanks, Alaska within the next month so he can ice fish on Birch Lake.
Everyone Is honestly pretty confused about this conclusion with Trofimuk’ decision, from student to staff. But, more than likely, none more surprised than his Knoch High School partner in crime, assistant principal Mrs.Grantz.
“I really don’t understand why he’s doing this,” said Grantz. “He literally hates the cold, and he has never talked about liking fishing. Why has he never told me about this? It’s like I don’t even know who he is anymore!”.
Mr.Trofimuk has since announced that the duties of principal will go to assistant principal Mrs.Grantz. But, who will step up to the plate to become the assistant principal? Well, the answer to that question may shock you.
“I’ve announced that the duties as my assistant principal will fall to 9th grade biology teacher Mr.Brumbaugh,” said Grantz in her first meeting as the new principal. “It may sound completely out of left field, but it’s a good fit for him[Brumbaugh].”
Brumbaugh has since expressed his excitement to become the new assistant principal,since he is retiring as a well known biology teacher. So, it is great to see him still being involved in the school. This will be the first time a former teacher has retired and become a principal in Knoch High School history.
“I think Mr.Brumbaugh will make a great assistant principal,” said Knoch senior Sophie Reep. “I can’t wait to see one of my favorite teachers dish out some authority.”
Even though everyone will miss Mr.Trofimuk, we are all very excited to see him living out his dreams, and we can’t wait to see the picture of his catches.
“Although I will miss all the kids in the school, as well as all my wonderful staff, I will always be with everyone in spirit. But I still can’t wait to finally become a true Alaskan ice fisher!”
Although this is a big change for everyone in the district, we are all very happy to see Mr.Trofimuk live out his dreams. And we all know that Mrs.Grantz will be a great principal. Let’s just hope Mrs.Grantz doesn’t quit to become a barrel racer!

Dustin is a senior who enjoys long walks on the beach, monster energy drinks, and the music of Justin Bieber. When he grows up, he plans on joining a travelling circus and becoming a carnie.