Baby It’s Cold Outside…. And Inside


Abygail Mason, Staff Writer

When is it exciting to put on tons of layers of clothes, just so you can go outside to figure out that YOU ARE STILL cold?? Or when you finally get to a warm place, you have to break a sweat trying to get all of those layers off?? Yes, cold weather sucks. I sure do miss being able to go swimming, and not have to take the time to find 600 outfits to put on. And I for sure know I am not the only one that thinks that.

“It’s just so cold and uncomfortable. It makes it so hard to focus what’s going on,” said junior Celeste Beacom. “I really hate it in the morning when I have to get on the bus and have to stand in the freezing cold.”

I mean who wants to stand outside in this cold weather just to wait for the bus? I know not everyone rides the bus because there are some drivers out there, but even walking the distance from your car to the school feels like too much!

Speaking of driving, how are we supposed to make it anywhere when the roads are completely covered in snow? You have to have the right tires, or else you’re out of luck.

“I hate how bad the roads can get!” said junior Steven McMillen.

We can’t even get to school without worrying about crashing!

And then there are the bus rides. The buses are extremely big, and if you think we are going to make it to the school going any faster than 30, you’re wrong.

But just think: When you make it into the school, it’s just as cold! Having the heat on only in first period is definitely not enough. By the time you get to third period, your classroom has lost all of it’s heat. I don’t really enjoy wearing my big jacket throughout each of my classes.

This weather ruins so much. I know a ton of people who would much rather be in a different season than this one.

“If I could get rid of winter, I would just make fall last until spring. I like the crisp weather of the fall,” said freshman Tanner Payne. “I like wearing sweaters without having to add scarfs, hats, gloves and boots.”

Outfits are also a big deal for winter. No one has time for so many layers!! But for a season such as fall, you can wear a nice sweater and some jeans. Or even in spring, where you can wear a short sleeve shirt without a jacket.

Bringing it back to the winter cold, why do so many guys wear shorts?? It’s freezing and there is no way that they could feel warm at all. I know they aren’t outside much, but there is still a point where you have to walk out when it’s snowing and get the the car/bus.


Overall, it sucks. But there are just a few benefits. If the weather gets too bad, we could either get a delay or a cancellation at school. Who wouldn’t want something that gets us out of school? You get to sleep in, and not even have to deal with it outside at all.

As you might realize, there are plenty more downsides than benefits. Warm weather would be a much better replacement. So, as a last reminder, COLD WEATHER SUCKS.